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Disclaimer: you can ask us any questions about translating AdGuard by sending an email to or by joining our Telegram chat.

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About AdGuard translation program

When it comes to translations, we at AdGuard always heavily rely on volunteers.

Now we use Crowdin platform to manage translations of our products. So this is the place to go for all the people who want to contibute to AdGuard by translating any product(s) they are interested in.

If you want to be among volunteers who help us translate AdGuard, please read the following information to learn more about how to become our translator, as well as about the way we collaborate with them.

How to become a translator

If you want to join AdGuard translators, first of all, go to Crowdin and sign up/sign in there.

Once you are logged in, head to our page. You will see a few AdGuard projects, each of them contains folders for different product strings.

Choose your language and you will see the list of available product folders.

You can start translating literally any product you like by choosing the respective folder.

Filter phrases that are not yet translated and start your translation history!

Suggest your version in the text box and save it.

If you don't agree with existing translations, you still can suggest your own versions. Also, you can up- and downvote suggestions made by other volunteers by clicking 'plus' and 'minus' buttons.

Besides, there is an opportunity to open translations in a Voting mode if you just want to rate translations.

You can find some useful tips reading the following information. Please, have a look at it.

Guidelines and recommendations

There are several things we'd like you to know before you start translating. It will not only save your time and effort, but also ensure that we are on the same page in terms of the meaning of the phrases being translated.

Free Adguard Key

  1. Pay attention to glossary terms which are highlighted with a dotted line in a source phrase. These are usually special words (like brand names) that should not be translated.

You can suggest your translation for translatable terms in the AdGuard Glossary project.

  1. The phrases on Crowdin can be accompanied by useful notes that make phrases easier to understand and translate. You can find them in the 'context' field of the source string box.

Free Adguard Key Finder

These are always worth paying attention to. So keep an eye on them.

  1. Keep notice of screenshots that often go alongside source phrases in the 'context' field as well. They will help to understand the context and convey the exact meaning.

Please note that you can request context by clicking the 'REQUEST' button.

  1. Apart from suggesting new translations, you can also leave comments to phrases. Use comments to inform about any mistakes in existing translations, to make notes or to ask questions. Sometimes you will find a comment left to your translation — try to react to it.

There's also a Discussions tab on the main Project page that conveniently allows you to see all comments for the specific language in this project.

  1. Crowdin provides a very useful and convenient tool called Translation Memory. With its help you can find the previously made translations of the same words and phrases and reuse them in your translations.
  1. As soon as you join a project by cliсking the 'Join' button, you can see the Tasks tab on the Project page where the tasks for specific project files are created. Please pay attention to them, they usually have a higher priority.
Free Adguard Key
  1. Sometimes you can find phrases with plural forms. Please be especially attentive when translating such phrases. You can read how to translate plural forms here.

Proper plural forms are extremely important, so please ask us in comments if anything is unclear.

  1. Please do not write directly to the project managers listed in the Project info.

If you have any questions about translations, you can always ask proofreaders or admins using the comments system.

Also, you can send us an e-mail to or ask a question in the Telegram chat. The Admins will answer you as soon as possible.

Find more information on Crowdin translation system in this Knowledge base.


We have Proofreaders (previously Moderators) for each language.

What are they responsible for?


  • Approving the high-quality translations and disapproving the bad ones;

  • Looking after the relevance of the translations;

  • Participating in discussions in comment section etc.

As mentioned, you can ask proofreaders any questions regarding translations on Crowdin in comments.

However, we do hope that everything for you will go smoothly and without any difficulties! Hope to see you on our team!

Reward system

As every honest and well-done work should be rewarded, volunteers who actively translate on Crowdin are eligible to request a free AdGuard license key.

To request a one-year license key you should translate at least 500 words ONLY in phrases that have not been translated before.

Just send us a request to and you’ll get the license key as a token of our gratitude.

Besides, the most active translators may receive a Proofreader status in future, should they express such intention, and that promises even more good stuff :)

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